About our website

July 3, 2016


I'm writing this article to introduce our website to both students and the general public. You will find all kinds of information about our school and Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan here, from class locations and schedules to form lists and the calendar. You will not find instructional videos or books here, because we know that you can only learn Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan from a qualified instructor. The answer to the question "Can I get a book or video?", is always "Yes, but a book or video will not correct you when you are doing it wrong."

Our website has been optimized to work on your computer or laptop at your desk, your tablet in your living room, or your smart phone on the go. It uses special technologies and techniques to deliver the content so that it displays correctly, no matter what device you are using.

So browse around and take it all in. Rest assured, we will be adding new "stuff" when it becomes available or the need arises.

Some helpful hints

At the top right of your screen you see "Your Name «". When you press here a menu will open that contains the option "Set Favorite Page". When you press this option it will save the page you are on at the moment to be the first page you see when you come to our website. My personal favorite page is the Calendar, so I can see if there is class today or what special events I may want to plan for.

The same menu also contains a form field. If you are a student, enter your name here capitalized correctly. When you do, your name will appear at the top right of the screen. If your name appears in red, the website recognizes you as a student and we already have your contact information. If your name appears in black, we need your contact information. To send us your contact information, go to the Contact Form page.

When our website recognizes you as a student, extra functionality becomes available to you. On the Calendar, the classes you attend now appear in bold. Please make sure our website has the right information, and if not update your information on the Contact Form page.

Form Lists

On the Form Lists page you can select the form you are currently learning and keep track of your progress by pressing on the form name you have just learned. Your web browser will remember the selected list and form name for you. When you come back to the Form Lists page the next time, the selected list will be displayed with the form name you last pressed highlighted.


On the Curriculum page you will see the subjects that are appropriate for you to learn, based on your current level. Each subject has an option list where you can keep track of your progress. Your web browser will remember the option for each subject for you.

Pictures and Articles

On the Pictures and Articles pages there is a button that will take you to the submission page. There you can submit your own picture or article. I strongly encourage you to use this feature, because it will make our website better.


On the Links page you will find a link to Website Cards. This link takes you to a PDF file that contains a page with 12 business cards, containing the name and web address of our school. The idea is that if you meet someone who is interested in Tai Chi Chuan, you can hand them the card, so they have a reminder and easy navigation to our website. So, print the page, cut out the cards, and promote the school!


When we do the next shirt order the Merchandise button will appear in the navigation menu. On the Merchandise page you can select the items you want to order. You can see the details for the selected items, so you can make an informed decision.


On the Disciples page you can see the seniority of the disciples, with their title, based on their senioritity and gender versus your seniority. For the disciples that have their profile posted on the federation website, there is a link to the profile.

Browse Database

Ask me how to use it.
